Tuesday, April 21, 2015
I hope I'm back.
I have been lost for a while. I'm trying to get my feet moving again. My sweet family helped me move my sewing room downstairs. It's a great space. I was hoping a change would help reboot my love of quilting. This was last October and I'm still unpacking boxes. It's not that I have that much stuff, it's I feel lost down there. A few weeks ago Jessica (my daughter) and I made a christening gown for her boss' daughter. I really enjoyed it. My sewing machine died soon after that, so I was able to buy a new one. I got a great deal on a HV Designer Ruby Deluxe. We set it up a few days ago and today I'm finally going to get down there a sew something. I have a few projects started and I have a quilt in the frame. That poor quilt has been in for over a year. But that's all about to change.